New Year’s Resolutions I Can Keep

New Year’s Resolutions I Can Keep | Ponies and Martinis

I resolve to be more beach-friendly this year.

With the very best of intentions, I start off the new year with an ambitious resolution or two, like working out every day or not yelling at the kids. And slowly, but surely, I fail to keep them. This is why I still carry some baby weight and my kids are deaf.

This year, I have come up with a few resolutions that I know I can stick with.

1. Wear yoga pants more often. I have kept my yoga pants isolated to the gym, but I think I have been severely limiting my comfort. Have you ever worn those things? It’s like rolling in butter and lying in velvet all at the same time. I won’t wear them out in public, like one of those people from Walmart, but, I’ll wear them for lounging, kid drop-off, and girls’ night. Maybe I’ll buy my friends a pair or two too.

2. Drink more wine. I love, love, love wine, so when the kids go to bed, I pour myself a glass. Unfortunately, life gets in the way of me enjoying it. There’s laundry to fold, dishes to do, and eventually, it’s time for bed. Sometimes, I don’t even drink the whole thing. I know! It’s the saddest story in the world! There will be no more sad stories in 2015. God as my witness, I will finish my wine.

3. Act like an idiot with my girlfriends. When I had kids, I stopped going out with my friends. Oh, there would be brunch or coffee, or a night in, but nothing like the bacchanal we’d had in our 20s. I miss those days, when we’d go out looking super skanky, dancing like the rhythmless white girls we are, and knocking back a few Manhattans. We’d sing along with Bon Jovi and do things that I am really glad were not captured on video. Of course the next day would be hell, but it was worth it. I need to do that again. But, this time with a better hangover cure.

4. Enjoy mindless entertainment. I finally read The Grapes of Wrath, a few fascinating books by Bill Bryson, and watched the Ken Burns documentary series on Prohibition. I am so much smarter now than I was 12 months ago. But, dammit, I want to take my edumacation down a notch. I won’t go to the dark side and start watching the Kardashians, but I need more Amy Poehler, Doctor Who, and Arrested Development. The Joad family is way too depressing. Sweet baby Jesus, someone find them a Habitat for Humanity house and a union to join.

5. Nap. Oh, naps. How I do love thee. With every fiber of my soul, I worship you, O, great nap. This is a no-brainer. And to accomplish this, I will…

6. Stick to the basics with housecleaning. Scrub the toilets, vacuum up the tumbleweeds of dog hair in the hall, wipe down a few jelly smears, and call it a day. Dirt can only help my kids, right? Build up their immune system and stuff? And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll burn my house down and start over. Perfect.

7. Lose my filter. For most of my life, I have worried about what other people thought of me. I always had a frank personality that I kept locked away like a crazy aunt in the attic. This year, she is breaking free and taking over. Here comes the crazy, and it’s going to be good.

I may not manage to keep any of these resolutions, but I am going to do my damnedest to try. I mean, seriously, how fun is this year going to be?


Filed under Partying with the Ponies

14 responses to “New Year’s Resolutions I Can Keep

  1. This is the BEST list of resolutions I’ve seen yet! It’s ambitious and worthy of achievement.

    Good luck and be strong! I have every confidence you can channel the focus and determination to get it done 🙂

    I love #7 … I think I might need to consider adding it to my list for 2015 😉


  2. Liz

    Great ones. Esp 7. I agree. That one’s hard in a different way from the others because even if I have time I have to work against the hardwiring!


  3. A great list of resolutions that are actually doable, in a “want to do them” kind of way. 🙂


  4. I’m so sad for you. It doesn’t seem like you’re asking a lot here. You know, with the wine. I’ve discovered that finishing a glass of wine can be done if you have the right glass–when doing chores, switch to a tumbler. Or a sippy cup.

    As far as #7 goes, I have a very similar resolution for 2015. Please open the attic and let the crazy aunt out. It’s the right thing to do.


  5. You just made my day. Will be sharing this via my FB page tonight!


  6. Jennifer

    Party Smart pills from Whole Foods-excellent hangover help


  7. Now THIS is a list of resolutions I can really get behind! Sign me up.


  8. Reblogged this on Sometimes I Wear Tiaras and commented:
    I think we can all keep these great New Year’s Resolutions.


  9. I’m joining you on a few of these


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