Tag Archives: life

I Carry Way Too Much Crap in My Bag

Over the weekend, I discovered the Tuesday Ten, a blog link up hosted by The Liebers and The Golden Spoons. This week’s topic encouraged people to expose the very marrow of their being to the world. I mean, you were supposed to dump out your purse and make a list of 10 things inside.


This is my purse and its contents. It carries most everything that’s important to me. Like…

  1. My wallet – It is a bulging mess. It’s full of change (never cash), receipts, gift cards that I never get to use because I can’t go anywhere nice because I have children, rewards card for places like Orange Leaf because that’s the nicest place I can go because I have kids.
  2. Sunglasses – I have a slight obsession with eBay. I blame my husband for this. He discovered that you can order things directly from China at a fraction of the price. He has used it for good, and purchased LED lights for our home. I have used it to buy cheap things like sunglasses (just 2$!) and jewelry (seriously – earrings for .50$). I am probably on a House Un-American list somewhere.
  3. Ghost eraser – This is a random nugget from my kids. I tend to pick things up and put them in my purse using it as a vehicle to carry things upstairs. I must have thought the eraser belonged upstairs, so I put it in my purse to carry it there and then I forgot all about it. I will most likely put it back in there after I write this and forget it’s there. I’m a lot like Dory from Finding Nemo.
  4. The girl’s sock – My daughter hates to wear socks. Once we get into the car, she rips off her shoes and her socks. I usually don’t care, unless it’s winter and I have an irrational fear that frostbite will take her little piggies. I pick up her pig covers and hope that I can wrestle them on her when she’s not looking. I almost always fail.
  5. Hand lotion – My hands are desert dry in the winter, and I carry hand lotion. I also have dogs that like to get into my purse and wreak havoc on what they can find. I try to put my purse where they can’t get to it, but they can either fly or are able to push chairs around to get to it. That’s why the end of the hand lotion is gnawed off. They usually go for the gum, but somehow, I guess I got lucky.
  6. Makeup bag – I never have time to do anything in the morning and, consequently, I end up taking care of me while I drive into work. I always have an empty bowl under my seat from breakfast and I end up putting on my face while driving. I know. I know. But, if I don’t, I’ll end up looking like I have been dragged through a bush backwards. And no one needs to be subjected to that.
  7. Ear phones I discovered Hoopla, an app that lets me access the digital assets of my local library. I listen to A LOT of books while I work. Check out the Divergent series. Books one and two are great; three is a bit of a letdown.
  8. A to-do list in the form of random papers – I have way too much on my plate, like most moms. I remind myself of all the things I need to follow up on by leaving papers in my purse. The visual cues keep me on track. This week’s papers say that I need to sell mulch for my son’s Cub Scout pack and I need to RSVP for yet another birthday party. Anyone looking to mulch this Spring?
  9. Hair tie – When my son was born, I thought I’d outsmart his hair grabbing skills by cutting off mine. It didn’t work and he ended up ripping it out by the fistfuls. Finally, I decided to grow it out and it ends up in my eyes. A lot. The hair tie helps me keep my sanity in the meantime.
  10. Hand sanitizer – I have kids. I also hate germs. I think it’s from all the pinkeye my son contracted when he was a toddler. I carry Sweet Pea scented sanitizer and lube up my children regularly.

Now you’ve had a glimpse into my soul. Hang out, roll around a bit, but don’t get too comfy. It will all change once I decide that I need a new purse.


Filed under Martini Madness